4chan prequel sidequest

news - click to expand

25.02.22 - 18:00 - PC died, give me a day or two to fix the issues.

27.02.22 - 15:20 - PC repaired, we continue today.

27.02.22 - 21:40 - Added Disqus comment section. Still testing it.

02.03.22 - 19:40 - Now you are allowed to post as guest because that is not on by default. Also, pre-moderation should be turned off. Hopefully.

02.03.22 - 22:10 - New panels tomorrow. 2 3 4 panels were added.

04.03.22 - 17:20 - New panels tomorrow. I am going to add "next update" section where I will announce date of the next session and an index page that will automatically redirect you to the latest page. By the way, do you have any feedback for me?

05.03.22 - 18:40 - Here we go. Panels added: 1 2

06.03.22 - 17:00 - New panels on monday.

07.03.22 - 19:00 - 2 new panels added.

09.03.22 - 19:00 - I am busy with work. New panels on 11.03. Oh yeah. just realized, these dates are in european format so DAY/MONTH/YEAR.