14.03.22 - 12:30 - waiting for a new thread on 4chan.
18.03.22 - 01:30 - waiting for a new prequel thread on 4chan that's not just pregnancy fetish. can't compete with that.
20.03.22 - 00:40 - i am done waiting for a prequel thread to show up on 4chan. gonna start taking commands from the comments on this site.
21.03.22 - 13:00 - new panel/s today around 18:00
21.03.22 - 20:00 - new panel tomorrow around 19:00. sorry about today, got here little late.
22.03.22 - 20:00 - ok, i am gonna try to put in a slide a day from now on. moreover, i am gonna stop specifying times. i am always late by hour or two anyway so they don't really matter.
23.03.22 - 20:00 - fuck it, i am just gonna do 2 tomorrow.